Continually Seek God

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13 ESV

As I was driving to my daughter's school the other day, I realized how completely leveled a portion of our desert view had become. Dozens of large construction vehicles were moving in cement cylinders meant to form a sewer system for a new housing development. Our neighborhood continues to grow and our wilderness continues to shrink. Our landscape is certainly changing.


Then I started to think, "Oh my...will I still be able to see my favorite mountain peaks in the morning when we drive to school?" My daughter always says, "Oooo-la-la..." as the sun glances off the mountains in the morning, casting hues of pink and purple along the dry desert peaks. Today they were covered with a fresh dusting of snow because a storm had past through the Sierras over night.

Isn't this how we often lose sight of God?

When things are smooth, and the landscape is clear, we can see God and we revel in the glory of His presence.

But then, construction begins. We get a new, possibly devastating diagnosis for a loved one; or we become over-whelmed by mountains of paperwork to fill out for medical insurance; or we are in the throws of IEP-season and feel like we are focused on deficits and negatives rather than advancements and positives.

We lose sight of the mountains.

We lose sight of God.

I want my beautiful view! I don't want to lose that easy glimpse every morning of GLORY!

But God has clearly told us in Scripture that there is value to SEEKING Him.

Glory in his holy name;
let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice!
Seek the Lord and his strength;
seek his presence continually!
1 Chronicles 16: 10-11 ESV


God didn't tell us that He would always be EASY to see. God didn't tell us that He would be right there in front of us. No, He makes it quite clear that we are going to need to work at this and CONTINUALLY SEEK HIM.

So, I MAY quite possibly lose my glorious view in the mornings on the way to school. Those mountain peaks might be a slightly obscured once this new housing development is completed. I'll have to SEEK OUT some knew spots to watch the sunrise. But, it will be worth it. God promises.

You have said, "Seek my face."
My heart says to you,
"Your face, Lord, do I seek."
Psalm 27: 8 ESV