
Praying for Your Child's Speech

Praying for Your Child's Speech

Both of my sons had delays in many areas, but it was the lack of conversations and communication I was able to have with my children that was the most devastating to me. I prayed fervently and frequently for my sons’ speech. Discouraged that God wasn’t answering my desperate prayers, one day I decided to start praying Scripture over my boys’ speech.

Three Strategies to Self-Pity Proof Your Caregiving

Three Strategies to Self-Pity Proof Your Caregiving

As a writer, blogger and author, I’m well acquainted with the rigors, frustrations and chronic disappointment associated with creating content, getting published, and the awkward process of marketing one’s own material. I am also mom to an adult daughter with complex health and developmental needs. Like other writers and moms of children with disabilities, I’ve fallen prey to negative messages and self-pity. Inspired by Lori Stanley Roeleveld’s strategy, allow me to paraphrase a plan for protecting our hearts, minds and lives from debilitating patterns.

Persevering Together To Perfection

Persevering Together To Perfection

The new device will help my son be more aware of himself, his actions and words, so he can communicate better, conduct himself in socially acceptable ways with others, and as a believer, become more Christ-like. But I'm not off the hook just because I'm a neurotypical person. More than the frustration my son feels with therapies and resources to make his life better, I felt like this tool was a sanctification device that maybe we should all use.