
Jesus's Radical Step of Inclusion for People with Disabilities During Holy Week: Podcast Episode 45

Jesus's Radical Step of Inclusion for People with Disabilities During Holy Week: Podcast Episode 45

Sandra shares devotional thoughts about an often-overlooked action Jesus took during the last week of his earthly life. As we celebrate Easter, let's follow his radical example of inclusion for people with disabilities. 

How to Create A Sensory Easter Story

How to Create A Sensory Easter Story

As one of the most important times in the Christian calendar, Easter is a key teaching time for parents, as well as children’s and youth workers. But the big story of Easter can be difficult for some children and young people with additional/special needs or disabilities to understand. Here are some sensory ideas that we can use that will help us to tell the Easter story, but will also give us ways to help children and young people with additional needs access other complex themes we might want to engage them with throughout the year.

An Easter service for the disability community

An Easter service for the disability community

We're hosting a very special worship service for families impacted by disability who don't have a church this Easter morning

A Guided Prayer for Adoptive and Foster Families at Easter

A Guided Prayer for Adoptive and Foster Families at Easter

As Easter nears, we humbly ask for Your tender care in the lives of each child and family. May our church services truly be a place of sanctuary for all families this Easter, as we gather to honor You, Lord.