Kay Warren

Encouraging Signs Regarding Mental Health and the Church

Encouraging Signs Regarding Mental Health and the Church

We’d love to have you join us this weekend for the Thrive and Cultivate Summit.. The very presence of events such as this one is reason to be hopeful that the church is starting to “get it” when it comes to mental health.

Appreciating our pastors during Mental Illness Awareness Week

Appreciating our pastors during Mental Illness Awareness Week

These findings tell us that we need to reverse course and consider how to attend to the mental health of pastors themselves.

Caring well for persons with mental health struggles in our churches

Caring well for persons with mental health struggles in our churches

We'd love for you to learn more about caring for the people of your church who are hurting while getting yourself and your ministry colleagues support for your own mental health and the mental health of your family during a challenging season of ministry.

An event promoting mentally healthy pastors and churches

An event promoting mentally healthy pastors and churches

We're hosting an event combining an online retreat for pastors and church staff with a mental health ministry conference.

How pastors can support mental health in the age of COVID-19.

How pastors can support mental health in the age of COVID-19.

A Barna study reported only 30 percent of pastors feel well-equipped to help their people deal with matters of mental or emotional health.

Join Kelly Rosati, Amy Simpson, Kay Warren and myself for a Twitter chat on youth mental health

Join Kelly Rosati, Amy Simpson, Kay Warren and myself for a Twitter chat on youth mental health

I'd like to invite our readers to join with me, along with Kelly Rosati, Amy Simpson and Kay Warren on Tuesday, May 8th at 2:00 PM Eastern time for a Twitter chat designed to encourage pastors, ministry leaders and key volunteers to consider how they can be involved in addressing the epidemic of mental illness in children and teens.

For such a time as this... Mental Health and the Church

For such a time as this... Mental Health and the Church

Are you called to be part of God’s plan for those he loves with mental illness? Has God prepared you beforehand for this task? Have you come to the kingdom for such a time as this?

The rising tide of mental health ministry in the church

The rising tide of mental health ministry in the church

Dr. G takes a closer look at ministry resources offered by Fresh Hope, shares an amazing testimony from Colleen Swindoll-Thompson and a video describing Key Ministry's model for mental health inclusion ministry.