church attendance

Is Christianity Today Missing the Real Crisis of Mental Health and Church Attendance?

Is Christianity Today Missing the Real Crisis of Mental Health and Church Attendance?

What if the authors of these studies overlooked other explanations for the study findings that don’t show the church in such a favorable light?

Evidence That God Is Still At Work

Evidence That God Is Still At Work

Serving in ministry can be tough. Wondering whether you’re making a difference or not is natural. Having questions for God about His active role in a world that seems to be retreating from the church and religion means your faith is healthy, and that you care about people. The key to staying encouraged is to know where to look for evidence that Christ working.

It's the hidden disabilities that keep kids out of church

It's the hidden disabilities that keep kids out of church

The study found that the children most likely to be excluded from church are those with autism spectrum disorders and common mental health conditions - anxiety, depression, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Conduct Disorder and ADHD.