
Rest Is A Weapon

Rest Is A Weapon

The Lord knows that always feeling tired keeps us in a weakened state. Rest, on the other hand, strengthens and sharpens us. Here are a few small strategies that the Lord helped me implement to feel more rested, and grow stronger mentally, physically and spiritually.

How the Annual Budgeting Process Can Grow Your Disability Inclusion Ministry

How the Annual Budgeting Process Can Grow Your Disability Inclusion Ministry

Our annual budgets reflect what we value, whether a family or ministry. Our values are also reflected in our budgeting methodology. Here are some approaches that can help your church build community and foster disability inclusion.

Emerging from the silos...Disability ministry as a mindset, not a program

Emerging from the silos...Disability ministry as a mindset, not a program

Silos are the antithesis of inclusion. Are we truly practicing inclusion when we set aside a designated space for the special needs ministry at the expense of including most, if not all participants in age and developmentally appropriate ministry environments.