respite care

Courage in Pursuit of Our Callings

Courage in Pursuit of Our Callings

I’d like to say a few things publicly that need to be said by someone in my profession with my background and experience. Somebody needs to go first. My hope is it will be easier for others to speak if they know they’re not alone.

How Children with Disabilities Have Fared During the Pandemic: A Sobering Report from the UK

How Children with Disabilities Have Fared During the Pandemic: A Sobering Report from the UK

Mark Arnold belongs to the Disabled Children’s Partnership, a UK-based organization that recently released the results of a series of surveys of UK families with children and young people with disabilities. The results are stark: the impact of the 18-months of the COVID-19 pandemic has been harrowing.

Why your church needs to start a respite care ministry

Why your church needs to start a respite care ministry

We want to make it easy for any church to start a respite ministry to serve families of kids with disabilities. We’re delighted that the largest church-based respite care network in the U.S. is partnering with us to make that possible! Nathaniel’s Hope will be providing a day-long ministry intensive at Inclusion Fusion Live to provide the necessary training to churches seeking to launch new respite ministries.