young adults

Reverse Inclusion: Our Teen and Young Adult Class: Podcast Episode 078

Reverse Inclusion: Our Teen and Young Adult Class: Podcast Episode 078

Reverse inclusion is a class designed for teens and young adults with disabilities that invites typical teenagers and young adults in for the purpose of friendship. It’s for teens like my son James who wouldn’t enjoy being part of our youth group. That environment isn’t safe for him and the curriculum doesn’t fit his needs. So instead we’ve created a class that is a good fit for him and our other teenagers! Listen to this podcast to hear about our strategies to make reverse inclusion work for you and your church!

Why are suicide rates up 56% among youth in this past decade?

Why are suicide rates up 56% among youth in this past decade?

Dr. Grcevich shares several hypotheses about contributing factors to the rapidly increasing rates of suicide in older children and teens.