In Whom Do I Trust?

Proverbs 3:5,6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight.

The school I work at chose this year's theme to be "In God We Trust."  I was glad to see that since this is where God is speaking to me the most over these last few years.

Many people look to others or things on this earth to put their full trust in.  The problem with this is, those things will always let you down.

They are temporary. 
They are fake at times. 
They can be lies.  
They are not planted firmly.
They try.  
They make mistakes.

The only true thing we can count on to trust is our Lord.  He will never leave us or forsake us.  But you may say, "Why did he allow that to happen?"  Sometimes he allows things to happen and not intervene for His perfect plan, not our perfect plan.  And sometimes they are uncomfortable, they are hard, and they may be tough to endure.  I actually, as I get older, see how God works so fully in my life through the really tough junk.  He doesn't work as mightily when everything is just going "normal".  He grows me through the mud, the guts, the weakness.  He makes me stronger when I am clinging to Him in those really hard times.

He wants us to draw near to Him and have a close relationship with Him.  Imagine if you never spoke to your spouse and only talked to them when you were struggling or needed something.  That wouldn't be a relationship.  He wants to spend time with us each and every day, not just to ask for help.  He wants us to trust in Him and lean on Him.

When our children struggle with talking, walking, eating, social relationships, behaviorally, physically, or in anyway our gut instinct is to go into action helping them in any way we can.  He wants us to first go to Him in prayer, giving it to Him fully.  Yes, we need to take action and not just sit there, but our spirit and attitude need to be at peace because He has got it all under His control, not our control.

I have a sign posted in my office that reads, "Move out of my way Patty" - God.  I need to be reminded daily at my work and in other areas too that I am just his vessel to help His plans to be completed, not Patty's plans.  I get in His way sometimes by not asking what He wants me to do, but just doing what I want or what I feel is best.

The other day my Charlie was struggling in his 8th-grade class listening and obeying the teacher.  She asked him not to do something several times and he kept doing it.  He did not get to go to PE after this happened.  We talked about it afterwards and I asked, "Why did you not listen to the teacher?"  He told me that he wanted to be independent and have his own ideas.  I explained when a teacher or mom or dad ask you to do something you don't have to agree or like it, you just need to do it.  I told him he has to trust us that we are making choices  to keep him safe and be independent.  He said, "Oh I get it, I don't have to agree I just need to do it!"  I said, "Yes, Charlie that is right."  He felt if he did it he was agreeing with the person.  I told him God commands him to love others and also to respect your parents and in doing what we ask then he is doing what God wants too.

How can I trust in God when things are falling apart you may ask?

God understands every hurt you are feeling, every fear you may have, but He wants us to come to Him for comfort and strength.  He is our biggest cheerleader and friend.  He is the one constant in my life that helps me unconditionally.  I never blame God when I am going through tough times.  It usually is my choices or the choices others make that I should be looking at, not blaming God.  He wants what is best for us, but sometimes he doesn't come in to save the day because He wants us to grow through it.

What can I do then to help build more trust and have a better relationship with God?

  1. Pray
  2. Read the Bible daily
  3. Worship Regularly
  4. Get In a Small Group
  5. Serve, Help Others

These are the key things to build that relationship and trust in Him.  It is the best decision you can make in your life.  God loves you so much, no matter what your past looks like and He is so crazy about YOU!


Patty Myers