Prayer for Special-Needs Families (Summer 2020 edition)

One of our most popular posts from a few summers ago was a list of prayers for special-needs families. We’ve continued to share it each summer to encourage families, but since this summer is unlike any other we’ve ever experienced, we thought we needed an updated version of our summers prayers!

As you read them, know that we truly are praying these over you and your family. You aren’t alone!


For schedule-driven kids who get peace from familiarity and feel anxiety in the chaos, we pray for comfort.

For parents trying to fit in work-from-home hours around their children’s needs and parents experiencing job loss or furloughs, we pray for opportunities and provision.

For typical siblings who adjust their plans around the extra needs of their brothers and sisters, we pray for patience.

For those traveling and those able to get out at this time, we pray for protection.

For those who feel they are missing out, for those looking at friends' vacation pictures and feeling jealous, for those saying no to invitations to picnics and beach trips because it's just too much trouble, for those feeling trapped by the four walls of their houses, we pray for contentment.

For husbands and wives who are using up all their energy and patience on the kids and running out for each other, we pray for peace.

For days that start too early and last too long, we pray for faithfulness.

For those experiencing additional decision fatigue from all the decisions they have to make as their areas open back up, we pray for wisdom.

For those feeling fear or anxiety about what the new school year will bring for their loved ones, we pray for trust in God who is working all things out for their good.

For those separated from loved ones who are in the hospital or in residential care, we pray with hope they will be reunited soon.

For those running on empty, we pray they find the strength that comes from abiding in Christ.

Sandra Peoples is a special-needs mom and sibling. She and her family live outside of Houston, TX where she serves her church as the director of special-needs ministry. She’s the author of Unexpected Blessings: The Joys and Possibilities of Life in a Special-Needs Family and the host of the podcast, Self Care and Soul Care for the Caregiver. You can connect with her at