A Prayer for the First Day of School

Here in Southern Illinois, it is happening again. Moms are wandering around aisles, throwing school supplies in shopping carts, and checking items off the back-to-school list. This month, schools will open their doors to begin another year of academics.

My daughter with special and medical needs is gearing up for another year in high school at her special school. This year, it should be an easy transition back for all of us, since there won’t be too many differences. Some years, the days leading up to the start of school have been stressful.

Image of a school bus.

Photo by Nick Quan on Unsplash

Back-to-school has created some uneasiness for me in the past. When my daughter started a new school or had a new teacher, I wondered what the year would bring. I pondered if my daughter would be treated well and if I would be seen as a valuable asset to the school staff. There can be a dozen anxiety-producing scenarios that my mind can create when “new” enters our lives. In these situations, I have two options: I can sit under my stress or I can pray.

With this in mind, I’d like to offer up a back-to-school prayer:

Heavenly Father,

I thank you for my precious child and how you have protected her life. As she starts back to school, I pray that you help my child with the transition. Help her supernaturally understand her new routine and quickly adjust to her classroom, bus, and schedule. I pray that her body would be calm and for her mind to be ready to learn. 

Let my child be a blessing to others. Help my child radiate your love to others. Let her be kind and caring to those she is around. Give my daughter friends at school whom she can bond with in healthy ways. Let her time at school be joyful and positive for her.

I pray that my child’s body will be strong this year. Let her and her classmates be healthy and covered under your protection. 

I want to thank you for the professionals that will be in my daughter’s life this school year. I pray that you give each teacher, aide, and therapist wisdom to help my child achieve her best. Give them patience when working with my daughter. Allow them to have a fresh perspective so that they can be open to new ideas and activities to help her. Give the professionals the support they need to create a caring environment for my child. 

Give me wisdom this year as well. Help me be aware of things my child needs to succeed. Let me not stress over things that don’t matter. Let me remember to bring all concerns to you, God. Make me aware of ways to support my child’s therapists and teachers. 

Thank you for another school year for my child and for all you will do. Amen!

 Evana is a wife and mother of two children. She enjoys serving in her church’s special-needs ministry. Evana is also a pediatric speech-language pathologist and serves children with autism, feeding disorders, and other developmental delays. You can connect with Evana on TwitterFacebook, and her blog, A Special Purposed Life. You can also read more about her family’s story in her book, Badges of Motherhood: One Mother’s Story about Family, Down syndrome, Hospitals, and Faith.