Joni and Friends Family Camp

What's the Big Deal About Summer Camp?

What's the Big Deal About Summer Camp?

I was brought back to the realization that families like mine have all the time. My friend really knows my family and our situation, but he just doesn’t know what family retreat means to us. How could I even begin to explain what really goes on there? I just relegated it to the usual experience of “he doesn’t get it,” but I really wish I could’ve had the “it’s not like that” speech with him.

When you remember, does it kill or thrill your spirit?

When you remember, does it kill or thrill your spirit?

When I focus on the terrible things that have happened, I get depressed, stressed, and anxious. When I fix my eyes on the goodness of the Lord, recalling times I have seen Him work, and remember good things, then I feel peace and contentment.