King David

Trusting God Like Ruth in the Land of Special Needs Parenting

Trusting God Like Ruth in the Land of Special Needs Parenting

Our childrens’ diagnoses and challenges bring grief, anger, bitterness, and/or sadness into our lives. Grief is natural, healthy, and necessary. Even Jesus wept. But we are not made to get stuck in a place of grief and bitterness. Even Ruth didn’t see the whole picture. We have to keep persevering like Ruth did.

Unafraid to Worship With Joy

Unafraid to Worship With Joy

The biggest biblical truth Luke has re-enforced for me is that our value comes from being created by God in His image, NOT by what we or our spouses and children accomplish. I still struggle with how others perceive me as a person, and as a wife and mom. But I’m thankful Jesus knows we are in the LONG process of becoming more like Him, because I for one am a slow learner.