
Affair-Proof Your Marriage

Affair-Proof Your Marriage

We all have times when we feel we’re not heard, loved, noticed, cared for, or appreciated by our spouse. In the world of caring for one with special needs, caregivers are often going, caring, and serving with little rest or reserve for one another. That is dangerous. Here are some things to consider to protect your most important relationship, your marriage.

Persevering Together To Perfection

Persevering Together To Perfection

The new device will help my son be more aware of himself, his actions and words, so he can communicate better, conduct himself in socially acceptable ways with others, and as a believer, become more Christ-like. But I'm not off the hook just because I'm a neurotypical person. More than the frustration my son feels with therapies and resources to make his life better, I felt like this tool was a sanctification device that maybe we should all use.