
It's Alright Child. I See You!

It's Alright Child. I See You!

When schools around the country returned to their normal schedules and in-person learning this fall, the normalcy that existed prior to the COVID pandemic did not return with it. But we are reminded in these times and experiences that he love of God still comes through, despite new barriers.

Everything Old is New Again

Everything Old is New Again

One year after the pandemic began, there is still a great amount of fear and uncertainty involved in our daily lives. Reflecting on 2020, there were so many days and weeks that led me feel completely abandoned by God. So having ‘faith’ in God may seem like shallow words, when one is dealing with intense crisis and pain. But one thing that has helped me have faith is to reflect on those times when God showed up, even when I didn’t expect Him to. I had such an experience recently, where I found myself in a familiar place, having my faith tested very much as it has been in the past.

Sweet Joy in the Middle of Goodness

Sweet Joy in the Middle of Goodness

The orchard was heady fare for a midwesterner eager to escape an Iowa winter for a week. I walked around in shirtsleeves and sandals, admiring trees laden with yellow and orange fruit. I breathed in the tang of fresh citrus. Even so, part of me was ready to return home and resume interviews with parents raising kids with special needs and disabilities for a book proposal about stress and compassion fatigue in caregiver. Talking to these families, on the phone or in video chats, has been as sharp and delicious as an orange eaten in a citrus grove.

I'm Too Good At Being A Special Needs Parent

I'm Too Good At Being A Special Needs Parent

This post is for all my fellow veteran special needs parents, those of us who’ve been doing this for a little while and are finding a groove that works. There is a danger in being really good at our journey. The danger is that we forget to be wholly dependent on the Lord, His spirit and His leading in our choices, plans and decisions.