
Finding Community as a Special Needs Parent

Finding Community as a Special Needs Parent

In a Bible story, four men experienced a similar trial, but they weren’t alone. They could each relate to the physical, emotional and spiritual pain the others were experiencing; they found each other for support. They understood each other better than anyone else could.

How Caregiving Grows Friendship and Builds Trust

How Caregiving Grows Friendship and Builds Trust

Being a special needs parent and serving in disability ministry has changed how I approach relationships. For example, disability teaches me benefits of slowing down, and trusting deeply, including the treasure of trusting God. But I’m also reminded me that serving in disability ministry is much like serving in a mission field. We learn how relationships were meant to be lived.

Perfect Witness

Perfect Witness

An earthen vessel, particularly in Bible times, was the least fancy and the least perfect, not polished or near perfection. Paul writes to the Corinthians that our imperfections are by design and are for the specific purpose of showing God’s greatness of power.

Different Trenches, Same Battle

Different Trenches, Same Battle

There is a certain level of comfort and safety in a trench. It’s not really the place you want to be, but you have some safety and comfort knowing you are protected. We have friends that are in trenches right next to us, so we all feel we understand what the other is going through. We see when there is a battle brewing, and sometimes we even hop into each other’s trenches! We know we’re on a level field of challenge, and being together helps us to get through the battle before us. We can’t be in the same trench and work against one another.