
Dealing with My Harshest Critic

Dealing with My Harshest Critic

I’m doing a bad job, or so I’ve been told. I don’t always juggle my responsibilities well. But as I come to the halfway point in our summer vacation, I want to remember to enjoy this time, and silence my harshest critic.

Things to be Thankful for as a Special Needs Parent

Things to be Thankful for as a Special Needs Parent

The special needs parenting journey can be exhausting, full of loneliness, challenges, and struggles. It can be easy to focus on how hard things are. But I find the whole month of November to be the perfect time to reflect on the things that I am thankful for. Once I get started thinking this way, I realize there really are a lot of things to be thankful for.

Things We Don’t Have to Worry About

Things We Don’t Have to Worry About

Often, when we talk about our children with special needs, we talk about their limitations, challenges, and the things they have accomplished. It’s always a joy to share the victories in the midst of what is often a lot of work, scheduling, and coordinating a lot of people to help make it happen. But as parents of Joey who is 38, we are also very aware that while we have a lot we need to do with and for him, there are also a lot of things we’ve never had to worry about or be concerned about.