
Why We're Supporting the Identity Project

Why We're Supporting the Identity Project

We’re supporting this project because persons with disabilities are disproportionately represented among children and adults who embrace non-traditional gender identities and leaders serving in disability or mental health ministry will greatly benefit from a deep understanding of gender and sexuality from a Biblical perspective.

Organic Friendships

Organic Friendships

After all my years of teaching middle school special education, specifically a significant disabilities/autism class, you’d think I would have learned by now that some of my best-laid plans were the last things my students needed…especially when it came to making friends. I personally believe that many of the social skills activities I’ve done with my students and my own children have been a great benefit. Our kids need the training and support we provide through role-playing, social stories, and other activities, but at what point do we take our hands off and give control of those friendships to our kids?  Letting go of that control can be scary.

Why the Home Group Model Is Challenging for Families Caring for Someone with a Disability: Podcast Episode 074

Why the Home Group Model Is Challenging for Families Caring for Someone with a Disability: Podcast Episode 074

In this week’s podcast, Sandra Peoples’ shares four suggestions for how to make sure caregiving families are included in a church home group or community group model!

Election Aftermath: A Challenge to the Church to Be the Church

Election Aftermath: A Challenge to the Church to Be the Church

When did Christians reach the point that we don’t oppose a person’s stance on the issues, but we oppose the person? When we did we decide that the value of a person is in whether or not they agree with us? A challenge to the Church to be the Church in the aftermath of this week’s elections.

Changing The Conversation About Disability In Our Congregations

Changing The Conversation About Disability In Our Congregations

Each church will need to take inventory of how they can best serve the disability community, but there are a few things to strongly consider that may help you make a real impact for God’s glory.

Joy, Even in the Messy

Joy, Even in the Messy

There is hope and help in this simple thing I do. I believe you’ll find it and be able to encourage someone else, too. So, what's this secret weapon?