
An Interview with Kristin and Todd Evans: Podcast Episode 072

An Interview with Kristin and Todd Evans: Podcast Episode 072

In this week’s podcast episode, Catherine interviewed Kristin and Todd Evans about their experiences with mental health and marriage challenges, while parenting a child with disabilities. Kristin and Todd share how they were able to move from an incredibly challenging time to a deep, rich relationship with Christ and renewed connection with each other—with application for any couple parenting a child with disabilities.

Author Interview: Parenting and Disabilities - Abiding in God's Presence

Author Interview: Parenting and Disabilities - Abiding in God's Presence

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of Steph Hubach’s new book “Parenting & Disabilities: Abiding in God’s Presence,” which was released yesterday. Read more of the story behind the book, and where to get your copy.

The Case for an Impacted Pastor: Four Reasons Why You Need Church Leaders with Disabilities

The Case for an Impacted Pastor: Four Reasons Why You Need Church Leaders with Disabilities

So, you don’t know me, but I’m a pastor. God called me to ministry about five years ago. Like most of us, I never would’ve seen it coming. There are a dozen reasons why nobody would want to use me and those are all the reasons why God chose me.

Celebrating the Interconnected Tapestry that is the Body of Christ

Celebrating the Interconnected Tapestry that is the Body of Christ

We are living in times ripe for the history books. Most of us have been weighing questions on topics ranging from the effects of isolation to medical vulnerability, racial equity and religious freedoms. Leaders in the disability movement are keenly aware of overlaps and similarities among the issues at hand. I’ve been praying that God would use this season to grow us into more compassionate and courageously engaged people, because we desperately need to start appreciating our uniquenesses and enjoying how interconnected we are.

Delivering the Shalom of Christ with Mental Health Ministry

Delivering the Shalom of Christ with Mental Health Ministry

Many people seem to believe they are too bad, broken, sad or worthless to be accepted by God. In our outrage culture, people who have been rejected or treated poorly often end up hating those who have hurt them, particularly when the hurt comes from a person who is supposed to represent God. But what might happen if your church explicitly communicated that mental health conditions like anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder and more are not a barrier to finding a shalom-building relationship with Christ?

Ministry Leader Insights From 2020 - So Far

Ministry Leader Insights From 2020 - So Far

Just a handful of weeks into the pandemic quarantine, I was already starting to take stock of lessons God was teaching me. In the course of time and in the newly emerging chaos of rushing back to “normal” life, I’m already struggling to remember, let alone walk out, the lessons I was so certain would not leave me! How about you? During meetings with disability leaders and a recent check-in call with a group of pastors who are navigating ministry in these times, I have heard valuable insights from varied fronts.

Please Ask Us! A Transition Season Plea from Your Special Needs Families

Please Ask Us! A Transition Season Plea from Your Special Needs Families

Churches are wrestling with how they will return to their traditions with special care for the families in their midst who are impacted by disability. There is a powerful, effective way to answer the question, “How should we handle this?” And the answer is this: just ask us.

How Disruption Can Teach Us to Include People with Disabilities

How Disruption Can Teach Us to Include People with Disabilities

By now, disruption has become a familiar friend to each of us. But though coronavirus may be new, the concept of disruption—whether from a global pandemic, broken washing machines, or relational strife—is not. In much of scripture, it seems that God uses precisely the disruption that we hate to jolt his people out of negative patterns—whether it be their blatant worship of idols or their comfortable but self-serving career paths. God does not waste these disruptions.

What Happens When We Can't?

What Happens When We Can't?

With the spread of COVID-19, we have all found ourselves in the position of not being able to gather together for corporate worship. Christians all over the world have found themselves facing very serious “can’t.” So, what happens when there is a collision between practicing my faith and the reality of life with a disability? What do I do when I can’t?

Learning From The Disability Community Can Lead To Stronger Faith

Learning From The Disability Community Can Lead To Stronger Faith

How does the church enter the world of the disabled? By embracing the stories of disabled people and their experience with God, because their perspective can provide a profound new understanding of God.