
The Book that Taught Me the Most About Parenting a Child with Down Syndrome

The Book that Taught Me the Most About Parenting a Child with Down Syndrome

I started dreaming the day I found out I was having my first baby. As we made preparations for her birth, I enjoyed reading different pregnancy books. By the time we took Jaycee home from the hospital, I had armfuls of pamphlets, books, and resources on Down syndrome. I read as much as I could to find answers to many questions, and here’s where I found them.

What Did Mary Worry About?

What Did Mary Worry About?

Gasp and sacrilege! How dare I entertain the idea of the mother of God worrying about the divine child entrusted to her care. Until I remember that, though this baby boy was fully divine and fully human, his mother was not. Instead of asking What did Mary worry about?, maybe this is what I should ask instead: What did Mary, a human mom like me and you, do with her worries?

Ten Reasons Why "As Long as the Baby is Healthy" Isn't Most Important

Ten Reasons Why "As Long as the Baby is Healthy" Isn't Most Important

Pregnancy goes hand in hand with this common saying. However, after having a child with special needs, we changed our response. Here’s what we’ve learned why that common saying isn’t most important thing in pregnancy.

When The Doctor Can't Fix Your Child

When The Doctor Can't Fix Your Child

No one can prepare you for what it’s like to be a witness of the continued struggle in your child, just to survive. There’s no chapter on that in the pregnancy books. There’s no guidebook for how to be a parent of the suffering. Or is there?