Hidden Disabilities

When Kids Become Aggressive at Church

When Kids Become Aggressive at Church

Let’s get to work in exploring how we can do a better job of including kids vulnerable to aggression into our ministry environments while maintaining the safety of those environments for all kids, staff, and volunteers.

ADHD, Suicide, African-American Boys…and How Churches Might Help

ADHD, Suicide, African-American Boys…and How Churches Might Help

Is the stigma against treatment of mental illness generally, and treatment of ADHD specifically a contributing factor to the difference in rates of completed suicide among African-American children and other ethnic groups? 

Five reasons limiting electronics is harder for kids with mental health conditions

Five reasons limiting electronics is harder for kids with mental health conditions

I am suggesting that parents consider why their child's reactions to being parented in their use of technology are so extreme and to consider how they might address the "why" that fuels their child's apparent addiction to their electronic toys. 

Helping kids with "hidden disabilities" at the start of a new program year

Helping kids with "hidden disabilities" at the start of a new program year

Transitions from one ministry environment to another all too often result in kids and families falling away from church programming. With a little understanding of how transitions may impact kids with specific disabilities and some advance planning, church staff, volunteers and parents can help most to have positive experiences as they progress into their age-appropriate ministry environments at the start of the new program year.

Dr. Oren Mason - Wondering what a pill will do to me?

Dr. Oren Mason - Wondering what a pill will do to me?

People who don’t have ADHD probably never imagine how much effort goes into the smallest task, the simplest morning routine, nor do they know how frustrating it is to spend that much effort and still do it badly.

Stepping Into Mental Health Ministry: Understand Who Your Church Is and Find the Champions

Stepping Into Mental Health Ministry:  Understand Who Your Church Is and Find the Champions

Before launching the mental health pilot in my church, I spent months talking and meeting with individuals of influence within the church community, many with ‘lived experience.’ The goal of such conversations was ultimately to generate support for the idea that we could—as a faith community—be much more upfront about the reality of mental illness, in all its various forms—and begin truly supporting one another.

10 Ways to Make Bible Camp Successful for Children with Autism and Related Challenges

10 Ways to Make Bible Camp Successful for Children with Autism and Related Challenges

Here are ten ideas for staff wanting to help children with autism succeed at a camp for typical kids.

A book to help churches welcome families affected by mental illness

A book to help churches welcome families affected by mental illness

We're delighted to share that the team at Harper Collins Christian Publishing and their associates at Zondervan (which, along with Thomas Nelson is one of their two foundational publishing groups) has recognized the same need and has extended a contract to work together with us in making the book a reality.


More questions about the effectiveness of antidepressants in kids

More questions about the effectiveness of antidepressants in kids

The professional community, parents and families hold assumptions about the effectiveness of psychotropic medication, especially medication for depression, that are unrealistic based upon our understanding of the research literature.