
The evangelicals I wish the world would see

The evangelicals I wish the world would see

The evangelicals I know care about the people and causes that Jesus cared about during his earthly ministry. They may not necessarily fit the narrative that many in the media would like to propagate about our community. I can’t help but think that evangelicals would have a very different image in our larger culture if more people had the opportunity to get to know some of the folks I was surrounded by during the last three days.

How a hidden disability kept one family from church

How a hidden disability kept one family from church

Some friends in a like-minded ministry have produced a wonderful video that illustrates the challenges one family impacted by a hidden disability experienced in maintaining their involvement at church.

Join Key Ministry at Evangelicals for Life and the 2018 March for Life!

Join Key Ministry at Evangelicals for Life and the 2018 March for Life!

Dr. Grcevich will be a panelist for the “Special Needs and Mental Health” breakout session on Saturday, January 20th at 9:00 AM.