Communicating Courage to Those with High Functioning Autism and Mental Health Conditions

Communicating Courage to Those with High Functioning Autism and Mental Health Conditions

Communication from one person to another is so fundamental that we assume all but the youngest children can understand what we say—and even what we mean—in our own language. But mental health conditions and high functioning autism often interfere with a person’s ability to communicate with others, much like living as a stranger in a strange land, speaking a foreign tongue.

Four Characteristics of Church Environments Ready to Welcome Special-Needs Families

Four Characteristics of Church Environments Ready to Welcome Special-Needs Families

I have found that there are four characteristics of churches that already have the type of environment that can over time serve as a foundation for building a solid special-needs ministry for families who need their support.

Ways the Church Can Help Special-Needs Siblings Thrive: nurturing faith and helping siblings connect

Ways the Church Can Help Special-Needs Siblings Thrive: nurturing faith and helping siblings connect

When the church recognizes and embraces the opportunity to join in the faith journey of a special-needs sibling, there is potential to raise up a Christ-following giant whose glory story has the potential to influence countless lives.

It's the hidden disabilities that keep kids out of church

It's the hidden disabilities that keep kids out of church

The study found that the children most likely to be excluded from church are those with autism spectrum disorders and common mental health conditions - anxiety, depression, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Conduct Disorder and ADHD.

The sexual revolution, our kids and suicide...a new look

The sexual revolution, our kids and suicide...a new look

I wish parents, educators and church leaders would come to recognize that many teenagers aren’t remotely prepared to manage the intensity of emotions that results when relationships become sexualized. Those who ultimately commit suicide represent casualties of the sexual revolution.