Church Support

How the Church Can Foster Meaningful Holidays for Special-Needs Siblings

How the Church Can Foster Meaningful Holidays for Special-Needs Siblings

I want to say “thank you” to leaders who are taking time to prayerfully ponder, be sensitive to, and invest in the experiences of their special-needs families throughout this beautiful holiday season. Your gift of love can give joy to an entire family.

Pastors, Here’s how to be a shepherd to special needs families in your church.

Pastors, Here’s how to be a shepherd to special needs families in your church.

David’s words about how God shepherded him have become my model for pastoral ministry to the special-needs community. Pastors, here are four things to consider when pastoring special-needs families through moments in the valley.

Building Better Banquets: How Prioritize Special-Needs Ministry In Your Church

Building Better Banquets: How Prioritize Special-Needs Ministry In Your Church

When church leadership is approached about the need to create environments that can serve the needs of the disability and special-needs community, the most common response is a lack of education and lack of resources. In other words, there is no room in the budget, no room in the mission, no room in the vision of the church, and no room for discussion about disability theology.

Be a Church that Requires No “Pre-Apology”

Be a Church that Requires No “Pre-Apology”

Understanding the “pre-apology” mindset can help our churches create more welcoming, inclusive, and engaging worship experiences for families with special needs. The resulting diversity in our communities helps us better reflect the heart of Jesus among others and enriches our personal experience of Christ too.