Mental Health

Preparing Churches To Help With Mental Health

Preparing Churches To Help With Mental Health

When you begin thinking about your help for mental health in your church, the best place to begin is with the invitation, which will show you what kinds of preparation you need to put in place. 

Waking a Sleepy Church: The Urgent Need for Mental Health Ministry

Waking a Sleepy Church: The Urgent Need for Mental Health Ministry

Janet Parshall issued a powerful call to the church to minister more effectively to persons with mental illness in this keynote presentation from Inclusion Fusion Live 2019, a national disability ministry conference hosted by Key Ministry. She identifies key biblical figures who experienced symptoms of mental illness, challenges church leaders to end their stigmatization of persons with mental health issues and pastors to begin addressing the topic in the course of their preaching.

Celebrate a National Day of Inclusive Prayer

Celebrate a National Day of Inclusive Prayer

As we gather to pray on this National Day of Prayer, let’s make sure that people of all abilities have opportunities to join with us in worship and be part of the serving team too.

Unique Approaches to Mental Health Ministry that Might Work Well in Your Chu

Unique Approaches to Mental Health Ministry that Might Work Well in Your Chu

Mental health ministry might mean your church is providing support groups or training, but it might mean stepping out to creatively meet a unique need in your church or local community.

Four Essentials for a World-Changing Church

Four Essentials for a World-Changing Church

If the church is to be Christ-like and world-shaping, we need to be leaders and pioneers in loving all of God’s people, not lagging far behind our schools and social service organizations in how we respond to the needs around us.

Beloved Son

Beloved Son

When I feel frantic and broken, insecure and alone, God meets me in that place, tells me that He loves me and tells me it is good to be my Father. 

Mental Health Ministry Trends

Mental Health Ministry Trends

Churches across the US are increasingly implementing mental health ministry. Three characteristics of successful mental health ministry initiatives are collaboration, cultural competence and a call to action.

One Key to Bouncing Back after Hardships

One Key to Bouncing Back after Hardships

One of the critical pieces of making life work around mental health issues is self-care. How do you minimize the effect that mental health issues are going to have? How do you give yourself the resiliency to bounce back if something happens? How do you maintain the self-care to survive situations that feel more like a gauntlet than a punch in the gut?