Bipolar Disorder

5 Ways to Find Gratitude and Comfort this Thanksgiving

5 Ways to Find Gratitude and Comfort this Thanksgiving

“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” -1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Rejoice always? Pray continually? Give thanks in all circumstances? It’s not as easy as the scripture makes it sound, is it?

Tuning Your Ear to God in the Midst of Depression and Mania

Tuning Your Ear to God in the Midst of Depression and Mania

Over the last two years, I have been on a journey to understand my mental health. I wanted to know why my brain works as it does so I could grow. What I’ve found is that I can trust God to show up in my lowest of lows and highest of highs. He is present even in the in-between.

Why Ukraine? Part 3 of Linda's Story of How God Uniquely Equipped Her for His Purposes in Ukraine

Why Ukraine? Part 3 of Linda's Story of How God Uniquely Equipped Her for His Purposes in Ukraine

Guest blogger Linda Bunk lives with both high functioning autism and bipolar disorder. This is the last of three posts showing how God has uniquely equipped Linda to minister effectively in Ukraine.

Against All Odds - How God is Using Bipolar Disorder and Asperger’s Syndrome to Spread the Gospel - Part 2

Against All Odds - How God is Using Bipolar Disorder and Asperger’s Syndrome to Spread the Gospel - Part 2

By the numbers, Linda shouldn’t be here. Everything seemed to be stacked against her by worldly standards, and still seems that way. How could bullying, struggles with education, and psychiatric hospitalizations work for His plan? In part 2 of this series from Linda Bunk, see exactly how God is powerfully using all of these struggles to minister to people in Ukraine.

Equipped by God: A Missionary with Autism and Bipolar Disorder - Part 1

Equipped by God: A Missionary with Autism and Bipolar Disorder - Part 1

Guest blogger Linda Bunk lives with both high functioning autism and bipolar disorder. Linda is a gifted photographer, and now serves with SALT as a missionary to Ukraine. This is the first of three posts showing how God has uniquely equipped Linda for ministry in Ukraine and beyond.

Delivering the Shalom of Christ with Mental Health Ministry

Delivering the Shalom of Christ with Mental Health Ministry

Many people seem to believe they are too bad, broken, sad or worthless to be accepted by God. In our outrage culture, people who have been rejected or treated poorly often end up hating those who have hurt them, particularly when the hurt comes from a person who is supposed to represent God. But what might happen if your church explicitly communicated that mental health conditions like anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder and more are not a barrier to finding a shalom-building relationship with Christ?

Who Wants a Pastor Who Takes Depression Meds?

Who Wants a Pastor Who Takes Depression Meds?

I had an appointment with my doctor, to adjust to my medication for an ongoing health condition, and to get a prescription for depression. When the doctor asked why a pastor would want to take depression medication, I responded, Who wants a pastor who can’t care for the sheep because I’m just too depressed? An important post about the need for pastors to care for their mental health needs.

Hope for Troubled Minds: How Intercessory Prayer May Help Mental Illness

Hope for Troubled Minds: How Intercessory Prayer May Help Mental Illness

Guest blogger Tony Roberts shares some of his experiences of living with bipolar disorder, including how he has learned to move beyond his brain’s single-minded focus with the discipline of intercessory prayer.

Why Christians Don't Get Mental Health Treatment

Why Christians Don't Get Mental Health Treatment

Since 2005, I have served on my church staff to provide clinical mental health counseling services to our congregation and others in our area. I have known people who wanted counseling but couldn’t get it, and others who had access to counseling but didn’t get it. I’ve known pastors who burned out without even considering seeking mental health treatment, and I’ve also known pastors who sought periodic counseling just as a personal self-care routine. Why is it that some people with symptoms of a mental illness go to counseling while others don’t?

Is Mental Health Ministry Too Inefficient for Your Church?

Is Mental Health Ministry Too Inefficient for Your Church?

When I think about the scripture that exhorts Christ-followers to number our days correctly, I kind of get the meaning backwards. I think about things from a natural human perspective, when what I really need is God’s perspective. The verse isn’t so much about the volume of what I accomplish, but the quality and the purposefulness of what I do. It’s also what I let ministry do to change me. Without anyone reminding me, do I actually see the personal dignity of every person?