
Finding Abundance in Seasons of Scarcity: Podcast Episode 076

Finding Abundance in Seasons of Scarcity: Podcast Episode 076

When you think of the biblical concept of abundant life, do you think that is possible in a life that includes disabilities and mental health challenges? In today’s podcast, learn why Catherine contends that it is not only possible, but it is at the heart of what God pours out into the lives of believers. Listen to the podcast or read this post to learn how you can experience His abundance, even if you are living in a season of scarcity.

An Interview with Kristin and Todd Evans: Podcast Episode 072

An Interview with Kristin and Todd Evans: Podcast Episode 072

In this week’s podcast episode, Catherine interviewed Kristin and Todd Evans about their experiences with mental health and marriage challenges, while parenting a child with disabilities. Kristin and Todd share how they were able to move from an incredibly challenging time to a deep, rich relationship with Christ and renewed connection with each other—with application for any couple parenting a child with disabilities.

Six Reasons Church Leaders are Struggling (And How You Can Help): Podcast Episode 021

Six Reasons Church Leaders are Struggling (And How You Can Help): Podcast Episode 021

In this episode, Lamar Hardwick shares six reasons why church leaders, especially those in disability and mental health ministry, may be struggling and how your church family can help them.

A New Mental Health Support Group Opportunity: Podcast Episode 051

A New Mental Health Support Group Opportunity: Podcast Episode 051

Are you interested in being part of a new Key Ministry initiative? Learn how you can help us create and launch mental health small groups for families with disabilities, in collaboration with Fresh Hope for Mental Health.

The Mental Health Friendly Church: An Interview with Rachael Newham from Kintsugi Hope: Podcast Episode 047

The Mental Health Friendly Church: An Interview with Rachael Newham from Kintsugi Hope: Podcast Episode 047

In today’s podcast episode, Catherine interviews Rachael Newham from Kintsugi Hope, a UK-based mental health ministry that has developed a theology of mental health, and is spearheading a mental health friendly church project.

Tuning Your Ear to God in the Midst of Depression and Mania

Tuning Your Ear to God in the Midst of Depression and Mania

Over the last two years, I have been on a journey to understand my mental health. I wanted to know why my brain works as it does so I could grow. What I’ve found is that I can trust God to show up in my lowest of lows and highest of highs. He is present even in the in-between.

Finding Hope When Caregiving Stress Leads to Faith and Mental Health Struggles

Finding Hope When Caregiving Stress Leads to Faith and Mental Health Struggles

When I learned my daughter would be born with a more severe genetic disorder than my son’s, the news devastated me. After her birth, I began to experience debilitating symptoms of PTSD. Months later, I made what should have been a lethal suicide attempt. My case was extreme, but is it that uncommon for caregivers to experience clinical mental health conditions?

Defined by Trauma or Defined by Christ?

Defined by Trauma or Defined by Christ?

I have PTSD from a very traumatic childhood. I have a testimony that shocks people. But we have all experienced traumas. We must stop using other people’s trauma to define ourselves. Here’s why.

Five Barriers To Mental Health Services, and Some Ways Churches Can Help

Five Barriers To Mental Health Services, and Some Ways Churches Can Help

We know there are many barriers to treatment. But I want to focus in this article on practical barriers to mental health treatment, where churches can help immediately to address them.

How Lament Fosters Hope

How Lament Fosters Hope

Let's think about lament for a moment. What pops into your mind? Complaining? Weakness? We were taught as children not to complain. And Christians should be thankful in everything, right?

Yes. But when it comes to God, no. I think lament is an essential part of hope.