Inclusion Fusion

Waking a Sleepy Church: The Urgent Need for Mental Health Ministry

Waking a Sleepy Church: The Urgent Need for Mental Health Ministry

Janet Parshall issued a powerful call to the church to minister more effectively to persons with mental illness in this keynote presentation from Inclusion Fusion Live 2019, a national disability ministry conference hosted by Key Ministry. She identifies key biblical figures who experienced symptoms of mental illness, challenges church leaders to end their stigmatization of persons with mental health issues and pastors to begin addressing the topic in the course of their preaching.

Janet Parshall...Disability Ministry Champion

Janet Parshall...Disability Ministry Champion

Janet's long history of advocacy for persons with disabilities isn't the only reason why I wanted her to have the opportunity to attend our conference and connect with the leaders and speakers in attendance. I knew Janet could speak into disability issues from the perspective of someone who has been there and done that.

Mental Health Ministry Trends

Mental Health Ministry Trends

Churches across the US are increasingly implementing mental health ministry. Three characteristics of successful mental health ministry initiatives are collaboration, cultural competence and a call to action.

Why your church needs to start a respite care ministry

Why your church needs to start a respite care ministry

We want to make it easy for any church to start a respite ministry to serve families of kids with disabilities. We’re delighted that the largest church-based respite care network in the U.S. is partnering with us to make that possible! Nathaniel’s Hope will be providing a day-long ministry intensive at Inclusion Fusion Live to provide the necessary training to churches seeking to launch new respite ministries.

Mental Health Ministry Resources at Inclusion Fusion Live

Mental Health Ministry Resources at Inclusion Fusion Live

We'll be offering an all-day training for churches interested in developing a mental health inclusion strategy and making available five additional workshops and presentations for ministry leaders and families with interest in mental health ministry.

Inclusion Fusion LIVE - A disability ministry conference for church leaders AND families

Inclusion Fusion LIVE - A disability ministry conference for church leaders AND families

Registration is now open for Inclusion Fusion Live - a disability ministry conference hosted by Key Ministry  on April 20th-21st, 2018 at Bay Presbyterian Church in Bay Village, Ohio. 

Want to help us put on a disability ministry conference?

Want to help us put on a disability ministry conference?

Our team is hosting a disability ministry conference in Cleveland next April. We want the pastors, church staff and volunteers in attendance to leave with the tools and resources they need to launch new ministries or expand the scope of their existing ministries. We want family members of persons with disabilities to leave prepared to support the spiritual growth of their loved ones and to expand the impact of their personal ministries. And we can't do it without your help!

He won’t remember: Children and PTSD… Jolene Philo

He won’t remember: Children and PTSD… Jolene Philo

Because the experiences were pre-verbal, he had no words to describe how he felt. But those memories were the source of his emotional and behavioral issues during adolescence.