
Teacher, Do You Not Care? How Jesus Helps Us Fight Our Fears

Teacher, Do You Not Care? How Jesus Helps Us Fight Our Fears

Special-needs parents can be overwhelmed by fear, and like the disciples in Mark 4, believe that Jesus is missing what feels to us like a huge storm! At that time they asked, “Teacher, do you not care?” and the answer is the same now as it was then.

An Invitation to Those Who Have Stopped Praying

An Invitation to Those Who Have Stopped Praying

In the last decade, since my son’s autism diagnosis, my prayer life has changed. After so many nights of asking for sleep and not getting it, after praying for help and not getting it, I find myself only asking for safe requests. I don’t want to demand what He isn’t willing to give. I don’t want to be disappointed. My prayers have gotten so safe, I wonder if they are even worth praying. Then God led me to a passage that reminded me He cares what’s truly on my heart and mind.