
Teacher, Do You Not Care? How Jesus Helps Us Fight Our Fears

Teacher, Do You Not Care? How Jesus Helps Us Fight Our Fears

Special-needs parents can be overwhelmed by fear, and like the disciples in Mark 4, believe that Jesus is missing what feels to us like a huge storm! At that time they asked, “Teacher, do you not care?” and the answer is the same now as it was then.

When You Find Yourself Asking God “Why?”

When You Find Yourself Asking God “Why?”

After months of pleading these questions and God not giving me an answer, I experienced a crisis of faith that scared me. Was God a good God? Was God even real? If He was, surely He'd be answering my questions and my prayers, right? One day while journaling my struggles, sorrows, complaints and whys, I felt strongly that God was telling me I was asking the wrong question.