Rare Diagnosis

Three Truths for CHD Awareness Day

Three Truths for CHD Awareness Day

February 14 is the date to celebrate love in the hearts of two people, and it’s also Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Day. Initially, our daughter’s heart diagnoses came as a shock. My husband and I didn’t know how to process the diagnoses and the treatments. Years have passed, and we now have a healthier perspective. Today, I share three truths I discovered as a mom of a child with a CHD.

Is It Too Late for a Christmas Miracle?

Is It Too Late for a Christmas Miracle?

There have been many moments over these 19 years of special needs parenting where my faith hit the same wall. "It's too late, science has spoken" is a lie from Satan. This lie is a big deal because of all of the many miracles recorded in the Bible: the "it's too late" story line shows up over and over again! Come re-visit the story of Christ’s birth, because it is no accident that more than one “medical miracle” occurred for His arrival on earth.

When The Doctor Can't Fix Your Child

When The Doctor Can't Fix Your Child

No one can prepare you for what it’s like to be a witness of the continued struggle in your child, just to survive. There’s no chapter on that in the pregnancy books. There’s no guidebook for how to be a parent of the suffering. Or is there?

How Caregiving Grows Friendship and Builds Trust

How Caregiving Grows Friendship and Builds Trust

Being a special needs parent and serving in disability ministry has changed how I approach relationships. For example, disability teaches me benefits of slowing down, and trusting deeply, including the treasure of trusting God. But I’m also reminded me that serving in disability ministry is much like serving in a mission field. We learn how relationships were meant to be lived.

Your Story Matters

Your Story Matters

We need community. But true community takes shape when the real living people in that community share their lives with each other. We create order out of chaos when we share our stories. When you share your story, you are sharing hope.