A New Thing!

As we start out the new year, I can’t help but wonder what new thing God wants to do in our lives?! My theme for 2019 was “A Year of Preparation!” The focus for 2020 will be “Come and See,” with Psalm 66 as the Scripture for the year. I have already gotten glimpses of what to see as I prepared during 2019. Life is a continual learning experience. We are forced to keep growing so that we don’t get left behind!

Praise Jesus that He is the God of new things. Old things have passed away and new things have come because of Him. Some old things have a way of sticking like glue. We tend to know what needs to stick and what needs shoving off. Second Corinthians 5:17 reminds us that “… if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.” 

The following verses in Isaiah also admonish us to pay attention to the new: “Thus says the Lord…Do not call to mind the former things,
 Or ponder things of the past. Behold, I will do something new,
 Now it will spring forth;
 Will you not be aware of it?
 I will even make a roadway in the wilderness,
 Rivers in the desert”  (Isaiah 43:18-19). Sink your teeth into this.


“Don’t call to mind the former things, or ponder things of the past.” Basically, don’t get hung up on what’s gone before you. Don’t let a difficult past determine your current and future identity. Praise the Lord; He says He will do something new. We have to let Him. We have the opportunity to watch and see what He will do, and then we get to join Him. He will enable and empower us to follow His lead in obedience. He’s continually making roadways in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. May we not miss what He is doing.

In the midst of pondering all God may be doing, the reality is that we have an enemy who majors in keeping us stuck—stuck to our past, stuck to fear of success, stuck to feelings of inadequacy, and stuck to life-draining relationships. Stuck! Stuck! Stuck! Don’t be fooled by him. He feeds lies to deter and derail us from all God’s good gifts. Nevertheless, our God is greater and He fights for us. Unfortunately, sometimes we fight Him while He is fighting for us. This must surely break His heart, but He doesn’t give up!

The Father always has great intentions. He knows exactly what He is doing and has great things in mind for us at all times. First Thessalonians 5:17 implores us to “pray without ceasing.” Why? Because we need to seek the Father’s heart continually to know and obey His will. God is always at work around us, therefore, He is on the move—fluid, if I may. As we keep our eyes on Him, He will instruct us and teach us where to go (Psalm 32:8). In this way we won’t need to fret or be afraid when it appears as though He’s changed directions.

Sometimes the Father leads us into a different direction than we thought He’d planned. In those times, although challenging, prayer is the glue that keeps us and our circumstances together. We have to decide if Jesus is worth the cost of following Him into the unknown (Matthew 10:38). While counting the cost to follow Jesus, we need to pray for the faith that accompanies the call. In Luke 17:5, the apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!”

Change is tough, but people do it. Change becomes easier when we prepare for it, because it is coming! Consider these reasons for resisting change: disrupted routine, fear, questioning the necessity, personal loss, or narrow-mindedness. Creating a climate for change may look something like this: admitting the difficulty, choosing courage over fear, and accepting possible benefits. Sometimes even possible success may feel scary.

As we grow in faith, we become increasingly able to relax in His care within our lives and ministry. We pray, trusting and developing a two-way connection with God. We approach God humbly and with expectancy. Relaxing in His care, we learn to follow His lead whether we understand it or not. We choose to trust, walking by faith and not by sight.  In this approach, we experience the divine benefit of growing intimately with Jesus.

Prayerfully, 2020 will afford us more opportunities to care well for ourselves. What would it look like for you to be more kind to yourself? How often do you play or create? How are the basics in your life such as healthy eating, exercise, adequate sleep? I encourage you to strongly consider these things in this brand new year! May God’s favor and peace rest upon your life as you walk into the newness He has planned for you. 

Skip McDonald is an author, speaker, nurse and resource specialist for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship—a college campus ministry. Skip has a passion for wholistic living in body, soul and spirit. She champions mental and emotional health, notably in the faith community. As a psychiatric nurse and Mental Health First Aid Instructor, she brings a wealth of experience. She is currently writing several mental health Bible studies, looking at Scripture through the lens of mental and emotional health.  She is the founder of Integrative Grace, LLC, a discipleship ministry and Freedomsize Worship Fitness, LLC.

 Skip is the author of “Christ, My Life-The Great Exchange,” “The Garden of My Heart” and “And She Lived Happily Ever After.”  She resides in Smyrna, GA serving with InterVarsity in the southeast. She can be contacted through skipmcdonald.org.