5 Ways Churches Can Support Special Needs Families This Summer: Podcast Episode 005

In today’s episode, Sandra Peoples shares 5 ways churches can support special needs families this summer! The summer months can be stressful for families who thrive on routine and may feel like they are missing out on the fun other families are having, but our churches can support and encourage them so they know how much they are loved and seen.

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Quick Links:

Lifeway Article: 3 Steps for Welcoming Kids with Special Needs at VBS by Sandra Peoples

99 Balloons

Nathaniel's Hope

Joni & Friends


Hi friends! I'm Sandra Peoples, one of the cohosts for Key Ministry: The Podcast. Thank you so much for taking time to listen as we make the transition to the summer season. We had a great first month of episodes, and we're especially thankful for those of you who have subscribed and given us a 5 star rating! You're helping other families and ministry leaders know this could be a helpful podcast for them as well.  

At my church outside of Houston, TX, I serve as the inclusion coordinator for special needs families. I love that my title communicates that I'm serving the entire family, because as a special needs sibling and a mom, I know that a truly inclusive church ministers to and with each family member.

If my church growing up hadn't welcomed my sister, they wouldn't have welcomed me. And if my church now didn't welcome my son, I wouldn't be able to attend.

That's why in today's episode, I'd like to share five ways churches can support and encourage special needs families this summer. Summer can be a challenging time for families like mine, but our church families can come alongside us to help relieve some of the stress and show us the love of Christ.  

  1. Have an inclusive VBS - Lifeway Article: 3 Steps for Welcoming Kids with Special Needs at VBS by Sandra Peoples

  2. Host a respite event - 99 Balloons and Nathaniel's Hope

  3. Check in on the typical siblings - Are they able to make it to their activities? Could you include them on summer activities they don't usually get to do?

  4. Offer practical help - don't say "Let me know how I can help!"

  5. Provide scholarship help to camp for the individual or the family - Joni & Friends has area camps

Summertime can be fun, but it can also be stressful for families who thrive on routine or feel limited by challenges and conditions. The church has a great opportunity to make these struggling families feel loved and included.

Let's pray together to close our time:

God, thank you for the opportunity to show love to the families we serve this summer. We thank You for all they mean to our churches, knowing you designed a church family to rejoice together in times of rejoicing and share the burden in challenging seasons. Help us be prayerful and proactive about ways we can support families and bless our communities. In Jesus' name, amen.

Thanks again friends for spending time with us today! Remember, all the links I mentioned today will be in the show notes at keyministry.org/podcast, and if you haven't left a rating yet, today is a great day to take that step! We appreciate your support!  

*It’s our goal to provide transcripts for our podcast episodes. This week we are only able to provide a partial transcript, but Sandra is available for further discussions on the topic via email for anyone who needs access to the content.