An Opportunity to Learn from the Best: Coaching at DATC2023

One of the great benefits of attending a conference like DATC2023 is the opportunity to talk with others who have experience navigating ministry or family challenges similar to yours. For the second time at our conference, Key Ministry is pleased to offer free one-on-one coaching with twenty seasoned ministry leaders.

Why should you sign up for a coaching appointment?

We thought it would be beneficial to hear directly from our coaching team, to learn why they would choose to serve at DATC2023 in this way.

Here are some of their responses to the question, “Why do you want to serve as a coach?”

  1. God has given me a talent/gift of empowering others to reach their goals. I do this for a living as a part of my ministry. I would be honored to be a part of the coaching team at DATC2023 to help other leaders to grow their God-given ministry.

  2. God gives us experiences to share with others. I want to keep the torch burning.

  3. Getting stuck is the worst! And because unsticking people empowers ministry and increases joy.

  4. Over the years of serving in ministry I have personally benefited from, and been greatly encouraged by, the wisdom and experience of others who have coached me during critical seasons. 

  5. I enjoy coaching people and helping them discover their own solutions and plans to the ministry obstacles that have been in their way. I believe this is very helpful with our disability ministry mission. 

  6. I am glad to serve as a coach to use my experience to listen to someone else who cares for individuals and families affected by disability. I have benefitted from so many people who have listened to me and helped me think through my priorities and next steps over the years. I would be glad to do that for someone else.

  7. I want to help others grow in their ministry by thinking through situations that are taking place in their community.

The members of the coaching team have chosen to serve in this role because they care about your challenges. They each bring experience and wisdom to help you move from where you are now to where you want to be. 

Coaching appointments are free to DATC2023 attendees, but registration is required and will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Click here to learn who will be serving as a coach at DATC2023, and the topics of their expertise. Please note: coaching appointments are only available to DATC2023 attendees. Get your ticket to DATC2023 here.

Coaching registration opens Wednesday, April 5.