
Faithful Friends, the Son of Man and Extraordinary Things: Podcast Episode 056

 Faithful Friends, the Son of Man and Extraordinary Things: Podcast Episode 056

As Jesus was teaching a large group of people, including church leaders, four men made it a priority to find a way to take their paralyzed friend to the Son of Man. And through their faith, Jesus healed the man both spiritually and physically. In this week’s episode, Garett Wall explores what our churches can learn from the urgency and faithfulness of the man’s friends and how God is glorified in all of it.

Six Reasons Why Pastors are Really Hurting, and How You Can Help

Six Reasons Why Pastors are Really Hurting, and How You Can Help

Depression and anxiety are real challenges for many people; pastors are no different. The reality that most people will never know is that the calling to be a pastor comes with a hefty price tag. I cannot speak for all pastors, so I will speak for myself and for those whom I personally know who struggle, while watching over the souls of others. Maybe by sharing this way, we can get to the heart of why many pastors are hurting, especially during this difficult time.

Can a Christian suffer from depression? My story

Can a Christian suffer from depression? My story

But how does this prove that this prominent Christian leader was wrong in his views on depression? Because I have never been closer to Jesus in my life than I was those three months that I was depressed.