
Part 2: How Churches Can Provide Long-Term Support for Adoptive Families

Part 2: How Churches Can Provide Long-Term Support for Adoptive Families

God's directive for adoptive families is the same as it is for every family. But adoptive, special-needs families experience extra challenges to meet this calling. In part 2 of this 3-part series, Sandra Peoples shares practical tips for churches to provide places of inclusion and belonging for families.

Reflecting on Disability Ministry Strengths and Opportunities

Reflecting on Disability Ministry Strengths and Opportunities

A few years ago, a church leadership network where I am involved spent time in a reflection specific to the disability culture in their churches. The tool we used proved helpful in taking an honest and vision-refining look at things. My prayer is that it spurs some meaningful reflection among leaders and strengthens churches as places of belonging for individuals and families living with disability.

How God Multiplies Ministry from within the Special Needs Community

How God Multiplies Ministry from within the Special Needs Community

God uses the Church in important ways to come alongside people He eventually calls to leadership. God often places people in positions of receiving essential encouragement, prayer, support and equipping. In the process, He’s revealing their potential, as well as opportunities to move them into areas of ministry with other families impacted by disability.