
Simple Gestures That Resonate Deeply With Special Needs Caregivers

Simple Gestures That Resonate Deeply With Special Needs Caregivers

Caregivers and families impacted by disability are finding themselves most profoundly moved by the simple things these days. I’ve been wondering what ministry would look and feel like if we all just took a giant step back: back to the days of pie socials, potlucks, card clubs and barn raisings. Here are some ideas that any church or ministry leader can do.

Simple Adjustments that Create Genuine Communication

Simple Adjustments that Create Genuine Communication

Many years ago, our family had a lovely pet boxer dog. When we got him, he already had a docked tail. Recently I realized that his tail wasn’t just cut off, but his means of communication with other dogs was cut off as well. Since that time, boxers usually get to keep their tails. They are calmer, happier and can socialize freely with other dogs. If communication is so important for dogs, it is paramount for human beings!

Please Ask Us! A Transition Season Plea from Your Special Needs Families

Please Ask Us! A Transition Season Plea from Your Special Needs Families

Churches are wrestling with how they will return to their traditions with special care for the families in their midst who are impacted by disability. There is a powerful, effective way to answer the question, “How should we handle this?” And the answer is this: just ask us.