
Who Wants a Pastor Who Takes Depression Meds?

Who Wants a Pastor Who Takes Depression Meds?

I had an appointment with my doctor, to adjust to my medication for an ongoing health condition, and to get a prescription for depression. When the doctor asked why a pastor would want to take depression medication, I responded, Who wants a pastor who can’t care for the sheep because I’m just too depressed? An important post about the need for pastors to care for their mental health needs.

Traveling Light

Traveling Light

Learning to travel light took many years of practice. Then I found out that I not only needed to travel light on the outside, but on the inside as well. I discovered that darkness and heaviness on the inside would leave me with mental and emotional challenges. I would become weighted down from the load, unable to think or feel clearly. As we rely on Him, He not only tells us what to carry, He also enables us to do so.