winter devo

The Christmas Pageant That Never Was

The Christmas Pageant That Never Was

He may not ever be able to do what all of his classmates or friends and church can do, he may never recite a poem or master a dance step, and he may only ever be able to press a button on a screen to be included, but there is no doubt for me that God’s will IS to include him.

What Part In The Nativity Play Is There for A Disabled Child?

What Part In The Nativity Play Is There for A Disabled Child?

Let’s see the nativity play as a gauge of where our church has gotten to on the road to accessibility, acceptance, inclusion and belonging… For a few, there is indeed ‘Good news for ALL people!’, for others, they are 'arriving at Bethlehem' but still have a lot more to do, for many, they 'haven’t even left Nazareth' yet, there is a long journey ahead, and they haven’t even borrowed a donkey.