Shaped by Limitations and Giftedness

Shaped by Limitations and Giftedness

We so often focus on the limitations in our life. We can feel these limitations keenly, perhaps especially as our friends and their children reach milestones. And there is truth in these limitations: there are many things my family will always struggle with that others don’t. We are shaped by limitations. But it is also true that we are shaped by unique giftedness, strengths, talents and abilities. We are shaped by the Creator with purpose.

How to Develop Prayer in Children with Little Speech

How to Develop Prayer in Children with Little Speech

I had an ambition to teach my daughter to pray even though her spoken vocabulary was limited to a few words. I broke down the act of prayer, employed some well-known speech therapy techniques, and began helping her develop her own prayer life. Like many other skills we have worked on in the past, this took time and repetition, but my daughter learned to pray.