
Five Truths of Disability Theology: Podcast Episode 069

Five Truths of Disability Theology: Podcast Episode 069

Knowing and understanding what the Bible says about disability is pivotal as we strive to be better equipped for the lifelong journey with our friends and families in the disability community. In this week’s episode, Garett discusses the topic of disability theology while focusing on a few verses from Scripture that have been helpful for him and his family.

Four Aspects of Protection to Help Find Your Ministry Purpose - Podcast EP 068

Four Aspects of Protection to Help Find Your Ministry Purpose - Podcast EP 068

Is God stirring something in you, perhaps drawing you into ministry work? In today’s podcast, Catherine shares four aspects of God’s protection that can help you discern and fulfill this calling, while living a life impacted by disabilities.

What the Church Can Learn from the Disability Community

What the Church Can Learn from the Disability Community

As a senior pastor, I often tell my congregation, the church is “the ongoing witness of Jesus Christ in a broken and hurting world.” When we think about the church and the disability community, we often think about what the disability community needs from the church. I wonder, though, what does the church need from the disability community?

Caregivers, Mental Health, and Mobilizing Church Support: An Interview with Jess Ronne Part 2

 Caregivers, Mental Health, and Mobilizing Church Support: An Interview with Jess Ronne Part 2

Unseen: How We’re Failing Parent Caregivers and Why It Matters made its global online premiere May 20. This is part 2 of the in-depth questions we posed to Jess Ronne to help our readers better understand the issues raised in the documentary and how churches can be supportive of caregiving families. Read part 1 here.

25 Encouraging Bible Verses for Disability Ministry Leaders

25 Encouraging Bible Verses for Disability Ministry Leaders

Tis the season when caring ministry leaders and volunteers typically try to do some regrouping. The Bible has generous reassurance for leaders caring for individuals and families affected by special needs. I pray you know the tremendous value of the work you do and find refreshment in God’s truth here!

Practical Tips for Effective Prayer Ministry for Caregivers and their Families

Practical Tips for Effective Prayer Ministry for Caregivers and their Families

Prayer ministry can be intimidating when the recipients of our caring are faced with complicated circumstances. But nothing is too complicated for God. Here are some practical tips for effective prayer ministry, for both small groups and your church.

Seven Ways to Help People with Traumatic Brain Injuries Thrive in Your Church

 Seven Ways to Help People with Traumatic Brain Injuries Thrive in Your Church

I have the most amazing baby sister. She is goofy, loud, opinionated, and hard-headed. She makes me laugh and she drives me completely insane. My sister has a traumatic brain injury (TBI). She needs accommodations to be successful, especially in the church. These accommodations can help almost anyone with a TBI.

The Gospel, Disability and Purpose

The Gospel, Disability and Purpose

As The Banquet Network is working to develop a training on disability for international missionaries, we’ve had the opportunity to listen to people with disabilities, across the world, share with us what they want missionaries to know. There is a significant theme that has continued to emerge in these interviews: people with disabilities want missionaries to care about disability, because it is in Christ that they have found purpose.

Seven Prayers to Transform The Church’s Relationship With The Disability Community

Seven Prayers to Transform The Church’s Relationship With The Disability Community

Every year on the first Thursday in May, our nation celebrates the National Day of Prayer. Would you and your congregations join me in a week of prayer, asking God to unite us and transform the way we live among people who have disabilities?