Spiritual Development

Do You See What I See?

Do You See What I See?

Do you have a desire to be involved with ministry in some way, but all the existing ministry options don’t seem to fit? If you’re interested in discerning where God is leading you, or just want to shorten the path to living out His purposes, we’ll share more details about how to recognize and pursue the path God is laying before you, not only from our perspective, but also with some ministry friends who have gone through this process.

Rest Is A Weapon

Rest Is A Weapon

The Lord knows that always feeling tired keeps us in a weakened state. Rest, on the other hand, strengthens and sharpens us. Here are a few small strategies that the Lord helped me implement to feel more rested, and grow stronger mentally, physically and spiritually.

Obtaining the Favor of the Lord

Obtaining the Favor of the Lord

How do we obtain the Lord’s favor? Or earn our stamp of approval from the Almighty? We want it, right? Our gold star? I thought about people from the Bible, people with personal lives of pain, hardship and calls to obey difficult circumstances. What was it about them that led to God’s favor?

Learning to Sit at the Feet of Jesus

Learning to Sit at the Feet of Jesus

I have spent my entire life as a servant. My entire life I’ve been a caregiver. But in recent years, with moment after moment of near mental breakdown, I’ve realized something: I have grown tired because I have spent my entire life running from just ‘being still.’

Gifts Within Chronic Pain

Gifts Within Chronic Pain

I hurt all the time. I have an autoimmune condition that causes elevated levels of pain, fatigue, and brain fog. Recently, as I climbed the stage to preach, I knew I didn’t have the physical strength to do it. But there is something really cool about having chronic pain—and I am different than who I was before chronic pain. Here’s what God has done for me.

Defined by Trauma or Defined by Christ?

Defined by Trauma or Defined by Christ?

I have PTSD from a very traumatic childhood. I have a testimony that shocks people. But we have all experienced traumas. We must stop using other people’s trauma to define ourselves. Here’s why.

Author Interview: Parenting and Disabilities - Abiding in God's Presence

Author Interview: Parenting and Disabilities - Abiding in God's Presence

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of Steph Hubach’s new book “Parenting & Disabilities: Abiding in God’s Presence,” which was released yesterday. Read more of the story behind the book, and where to get your copy.

The Importance of Confronting Abusive Behavior 

The Importance of Confronting Abusive Behavior 

This post is shared as part of our series on sexual abuse trauma, but also addresses the importance of confronting and correcting abusive behavior of any kind. Repentance and transformation to the mind and actions of Christ must always be the goals.

Equipped by God: A Missionary with Autism and Bipolar Disorder - Part 1

Equipped by God: A Missionary with Autism and Bipolar Disorder - Part 1

Guest blogger Linda Bunk lives with both high functioning autism and bipolar disorder. Linda is a gifted photographer, and now serves with SALT as a missionary to Ukraine. This is the first of three posts showing how God has uniquely equipped Linda for ministry in Ukraine and beyond.

Lord, How Can My Child Know You?

Lord, How Can My Child Know You?

On this particular morning, several years ago, my Bible reading for the day took me to Romans 10:9-10, the Scriptures that lay out God’s path to salvation. What wasn’t so clear to me was how my son, who suffered with cognitive disabilities, would be able to meet these requirements. “How, LORD,” I asked, “is Myles gonna be able to receive salvation?”