
What Did Mary Worry About?

What Did Mary Worry About?

Gasp and sacrilege! How dare I entertain the idea of the mother of God worrying about the divine child entrusted to her care. Until I remember that, though this baby boy was fully divine and fully human, his mother was not. Instead of asking What did Mary worry about?, maybe this is what I should ask instead: What did Mary, a human mom like me and you, do with her worries?

Is It Too Late for a Christmas Miracle?

Is It Too Late for a Christmas Miracle?

There have been many moments over these 19 years of special needs parenting where my faith hit the same wall. "It's too late, science has spoken" is a lie from Satan. This lie is a big deal because of all of the many miracles recorded in the Bible: the "it's too late" story line shows up over and over again! Come re-visit the story of Christ’s birth, because it is no accident that more than one “medical miracle” occurred for His arrival on earth.