
The Red Sea or the Still Small Voice?

The Red Sea or the Still Small Voice?

Everyone wants the Red Sea moments, an unmistakable miracle. But God doesn’t do only big signs and wonders. He is in the small things too. Whenever I find myself in a challenging situation, I look for God. I live in the mindset that God is around me and wanting to reveal Himself to me.

Three Ways to Be a Good Sport as a Special Needs Dad

Three Ways to Be a Good Sport as a Special Needs Dad

Most men enjoy elements of competition in sports, education or career pursuits. And in the case of men who become a dad of a child with special needs, well, they quickly learn that their son or daughter isn’t going to perform, work, think, or be like other children. While we can still make sports analogies, the way it plays out is very different than expected. Instead of being in the sports arena with your child, Dad will be called to be a good sport in life! Here are three ways that God has helped us be good sports.

Is It Too Late for a Christmas Miracle?

Is It Too Late for a Christmas Miracle?

There have been many moments over these 19 years of special needs parenting where my faith hit the same wall. "It's too late, science has spoken" is a lie from Satan. This lie is a big deal because of all of the many miracles recorded in the Bible: the "it's too late" story line shows up over and over again! Come re-visit the story of Christ’s birth, because it is no accident that more than one “medical miracle” occurred for His arrival on earth.