
Three C's for Surviving COVID-19 as a Single Special Needs Parent

Three C's for Surviving COVID-19 as a Single Special Needs Parent

I had just dropped off my son after having him for the weekend, as it was my time with him, according to the parenting agreement with my ex-wife. I no sooner put the car in reverse than I heard the declaration on the radio during a COVID-19 briefing that all restaurants, cafes and bars were to be closed indefinitely. Children like mine don’t just “do better” with routines and structure, they require it. I want to share some ideas and perspective on this time as a new single parent of an autistic child and how I, and more importantly, we as a family still, are coping.

Three Strategies to Wait with Hope, Instead of Defeat

Three Strategies to Wait with Hope, Instead of Defeat

Whether it’s being delayed on the roads, waiting to see a love one who lives far away or anticipating a fun vacation, being patient sure can be tough. Cooling our jets when it involves an illness, diagnosis or surgery for ourselves or a loved one can amp up the anxiety and feelings of defeat even more. Recently, my friends Ed and Jan showed me through their example how to wait with hope.