
The Mission Field Next Door: Meeting The Desperate Needs of Special Needs Families

The Mission Field Next Door: Meeting The Desperate Needs of Special Needs Families

I once served as a volunteer missionary for nearly 2 years and as a missionary, I was willing to do whatever was asked of me. I often sit in church and listen to the different mission programs, especially short work trips and wonder why? Why do we raise thousands of dollars to send courageous, self-sacrificing individuals to visit far off lands in the name of Jesus when there are so many we neglect in our own communities? We need the Church to be the hands and feet of that powerful calling we claim as Christianity. Outside of the church walls. It might be time to get our hands dirty.

Affair-Proof Your Marriage

Affair-Proof Your Marriage

We all have times when we feel we’re not heard, loved, noticed, cared for, or appreciated by our spouse. In the world of caring for one with special needs, caregivers are often going, caring, and serving with little rest or reserve for one another. That is dangerous. Here are some things to consider to protect your most important relationship, your marriage.