
Five Ways to Recycle Our Words

Five Ways to Recycle Our Words

Sometimes words flow out of our mouths and we wish we could grab them and take them back. Other times our thoughts come out as words that aren’t really helpful and beneficial. In marriage and in parenting, our words can land hard on little hearts—and our hearts—if we’re not careful. Let’s consider a few ways we can repackage and recycle our words (and thus our actions) into ways that are helpful, beneficial, and life-giving.

New Year’s Freedom from a Post-Holiday Funk

New Year’s Freedom from a Post-Holiday Funk

For several years, a part of me dreaded the holiday season. By January 2nd—and sometimes long before that—I was exhausted, depressed and racked with guilt feelings for being self-centered and dragging others down with me. Thankfully, God has provided some tools that are softening the edges of my emotions and keeping me more mentally positive. I’m grateful to be learning about things that give me victory over the shadows.