
Overwhelmed By Hope?

Overwhelmed By Hope?

I've been a special needs mom for 21 years now, so I need you to hear what I’m about to say with the trust that those years have earned me. For us believers, “overwhelmed by hope” should be much more common than “overwhelmed by fear.”

Ten Scriptural Weapons to Defeat the Anxiety from COVID-19

Ten Scriptural Weapons to Defeat the Anxiety from COVID-19

We are living in an unprecedented time of history. COVID-19 is a silent, insidious enemy that lurks around every corner. How do we, as parents of children with disabilities, not only face but confront the fear all around us? Here are ten scriptural weapons we can use to defeat the enemy. We can, and must, teach at least some of them to our children, who are dealing with their own heightened anxiety.

When You Find Yourself Asking God “Why?”

When You Find Yourself Asking God “Why?”

After months of pleading these questions and God not giving me an answer, I experienced a crisis of faith that scared me. Was God a good God? Was God even real? If He was, surely He'd be answering my questions and my prayers, right? One day while journaling my struggles, sorrows, complaints and whys, I felt strongly that God was telling me I was asking the wrong question.