
What Being Lost in a Corn Maze Taught Me about My Relationship with God

What Being Lost in a Corn Maze Taught Me about My Relationship with God

I stood in the middle of a cornfield with my daughter, surrounded by brown cornstalks towering over our heads and the dry, dusty earth beneath us. I panicked for a moment. I was alone in a corn maze with my daughter, armed with my poor sense of direction to lead us out.

Making New Holiday Traditions

Making New Holiday Traditions

Holidays can be a very difficult time for families with kids with special needs. Many of the traditions and family gatherings they used to enjoy, they can’t anymore. It can be an especially hard and lonely time, as the difficulties that come with special needs are magnified. Our first attempt was a sorry start to new holiday traditions. However, we persisted. Eleven years later, we have some new special Thanksgiving and Christmas traditions.