Special Needs Parenting

The Importance Taking A Five Minute Break

The Importance Taking A Five Minute Break

Lack of sleep is pretty common for those of us who have children impacted by disability. Stressful days are often the norm as well. It can be hard to stay positive throughout the day as we interact with therapists, teachers, doctors and, most importantly, our families. It can be easy for our speech to become short and have a bite to it as opposed to filled with grace and love.

In those times, taking a step back to pray, reflect, and breathe can be the perfect answer.

Celebrating My Sister's Life During Down Syndrome Awareness Month

Celebrating My Sister's Life During Down Syndrome Awareness Month

Thursday, March 21st is World Down Syndrome Day (celebrated then because people with Down syndrome have a 3rd copy of their 21st chromosome, Trisomy 21). I hope the voices of those of us who know and love people with Down syndrome will speak loud and clear about the blessings they bring to our lives, not because of what they can or can’t do, but simply because of who they are—created in the image of God.